Grown man racing a baby


Okay. Here’s the deal.

I’m ready to be a dad. I’m looking forward to it and very excited about raising a kid and seeing them grow up and make their way through challenges in their own life. I’m hoping I’ll be able to help out along the way and be a good dad.

I’m also ready to start a business. It’s been a goal of mine for a while, and I’ve had a few false starts in the past. I want to get serious about it because I have a hunch that with a baby it’s only going to get harder. I believe in balance in life, and to be the best dad I can be, I need to also feel fulfilled in my career.

Can a person have it all? How fast are babies? Let’s find out.



Baby Race.


Here’s the starting line.

Today is November 4th, 2024.

I’m married already, not strictly necessary, but definitely helps with consistent baby making. My wife and I just recently started the unimpeded baby making recipe, if you know what I’m saying.

I’ve worked in tech for a while now, I can write code and set up websites and infrastructure. I currently have an employer which is good as tech jobs go, but I’m ready and motivated to be self-employed. 

I have a few projects and business ideas, some of which I’ve made some progress on and some false starts, but none that is currently making any income or that has been monetized.

Why are you trying to race a baby and why are you talking about it, you weirdo.

Hey, that’s a fair question. To be completely honest, I really value privacy. I don’t like the public eye, and previously I did not want to exist on the internet as an individual. The goal was that a google search of my name would reveal nothing except for *maybe* a linked in page. I also don’t like social media. It sometimes feels like people are either oversharing or inauthentic, and generally I feel like I’m constantly having my brain overstimulated into a smooth puddle. I realize that none of this is helping the baby race case.

On the flipside, beyond the hippy dippy line above about balance in life, I really respect people who build stuff in public. I think it helps with accountability, coming up with ideas, and building a network. At least for now I think the benefits outweigh the downsides.

Also maybe writing out my internal dialogue will help bring some clarity, or maybe it will be a huge mistake. Even if this whole thing is a complete failure, I believe that doing is better than dicking around, and it will help guide me to whatever the next step is.

You’re talking about doing – WTF are YOU gonna do.

Another good question, you, figment of my imagination, are a particularly sharp audience member. And while this back and forth imaginary dialogue is a bit played out, I’m going to keep doing it.

Number 1: BABY MAKIN’

You know what’s up. Like I said, I’m going to keep doing it. In *this particular case* I’ll be both doing AND dicking around.

Number 2: BLOG

I’m going to consistently write about what I’m doing. It’s not *quite* the same as actually doing something, but I’m hoping it will help. Part of this will be posting this (currently a google doc at the time of writing) somewhere. I just (right now) bought the domain for shits and giggles, so I’ll pick some random blog hosting site and hook up the domain.


This part I’m dreading, but I think it might help. I’ll create social media for the Baby Race and start posting about it – I don’t know what, but I’m going to do it because maybe it will help, or maybe I’ll learn something.

  • Twitter / X – the internet boiling pot of rage – maybe there are some nice people there?
  • Instagram? – what do I even post pictures of?
  • Facebook? – I deleted my facebook 10ish years ago, I don’t know how people use it today, but maybe I’ll do that because apparently there are people on Facebook.
  • Influencers have been advertising Skool to me, maybe I’ll try that – building an audience seems like a good idea, but idk if the site is aligned with my goals or not – I’m new to this kind of thing.


Should actually building a business/product *really* be #4 down on this list? Good question, no time to sweat it now.

I mentioned I have some projects – idk if they’re the “right thing” or not, or how to monetize, or if people actually have them as a problem or would be willing to pay, and I imagine I’ll write more about them in the future – but here they are:

  • A casual low cost of entry event coordination and planning tool – targeting hobbyists (video gamers, sports leagues, board games) with a vision of a social CRM (SRM?) using technology for making it easier and nudging people to do stuff with other humans and instead of aforementioned lonely tech / social media induced brain puddling
  • A stalled out Real Estate happy hour style seller/buyer/referral forum site
  • A love of dogs and most animals, and an instinct that people (i.e. me) SPEND MONEY ON PETS. I may be looking to put a baby in my wife, but most people younger than me are looking to put a dog in daycare. I have loose idea about premium marketable dog/pet boarding facility
  • Something else that I’ll discover along the way?

Baby Racetrack

As far as I’m aware babies take about 9 months to cook. As for how long it takes to put one in the oven, well, I’m not sure about that. I’ve had friends where it’s taken 1 year+ to get cookin’ and friends where it’s taken 2 weeks. Also babies are crafty and can’t be trusted, so we’ll just have to guess about 1 year from today and adjust as needed. 

Baby (making) Start Date


Baby Estimated Finish line


Business Building Start Date


Business Finish Line

??? – I guess we should define what success looks like at some point, and maybe some milestones, but that’s for later. But it’s currently it’s looking like I have about a year to reach it.

That’s it for today – THE BABY RACE IS ON!


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